Friday, September 28, 2012

Tutti Frutti (Fruits of the Spirit Intro)

Now do you get it? The jellybean from Wednesday's post was a Tutti Frutti jellybean! The reason I chose that was because we're starting a series on the fruits of the spirit this week. The fruits of the spirit are listed in Galatians 5:22-23 

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." (NIV)

I've divided them up so that over the course of the next three weeks, we study three per week. The plan looks a little like this:

10/05/2012 (Week 1): Love, Joy, and Peace
10/12/2012 (Week 2): Forbearance, Kindness, and Goodness
10/19/2012 (Week 3): Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control

This week, I'm just introducing the lesson and prepping y'all for the coming weeks. I know that this message has been relatively short, but before we dive into the series, I want everyone to meditate on these principles. Try to see if you can identify some of the fruits that you are struggling with in your life. Mine would probably be self-control and patience. Take the quiz below in order to better identify which of the fruits is not so ripe in you:

T/F: I've been called a "doormat" because I'm always putting others' needs, emotions, and desires before my own.
If you answered 'False' then you might need to work on Kindness or Love. Now I'm not saying to completely neglect yourself in order to tend to others, but always remember the correct order in which to place your priorities. J.O.Y (Jesus, Others, Yourself).
T/F: I tend to have days when I'm stressed and weary.On those days, it seems impossible to smile.
If you answered 'True' then you need to Peace out, cheer up and be more Joyful! If you're having trouble with this, try taking a moment and looking around at all of the wonderful blessings that God has placed in your life! I can name one of them for you right off the bat: life itself!
T/F: When I see someone sitting alone in the cafeteria, I go and sit with them.
If you answered 'False' then it might be good for you to work on Kindness and Goodness. Goodness, to me, is a bit of an enigma when first seen in this passage. I dug a little deeper and found out that the general idea of Goodness in this passage is a Christ-like lifestyle and attitude.
T/F: I complain loudly and obnoxiously when I am waiting in a long line.
If you answered 'True' then you need more Patience and Self-Control. I was often scolded in middle school for having a bit of a lack of Self-Control and I was constantly told to think before I speak. It took me a while to become mature enough to do it, but now I try to think before I speak and I get in a lot less trouble because of that. 
T/F: If I can't see it, I refuse to believe it.
If you answered 'True' then you need to have a little Faith! I'll use an example taken from a college student's response to a skeptical professor in order to get you thinking about Faith. Do you have a brain? You can't see it, but you know it's there, right? It has to be there in order for you to be alive. Same with God. You can't physically see Him, but you know He's there because you're alive, right?
T/F: If my dog acts up, I give him a whack with the old newspaper.
If you answered 'True' then you need to be more Gentle. That puppy that you beat with the newspaper is a precious creation of God, treat it how you would want to be treated. 

Hopefully these quizzes have indicated to you which fruits aren't exactly ripe yet. Look at your results and try to work on living out whichever fruit you're struggling with this week. 
Have a blessed week!
- Lindsey :)

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